Language & Sound Vibrations

Read Time: 1 min

Article: “Hopeful Thinking: The Physics of Intonement” by Wil Darcangelo (1-13-24), link posted below.

Summary: The author is a minister of a Unitarian Universalist church. He practices Buddhist chanting (Om) and has spent time in a Sufi Islamic monastery in Northern California. According to well-known studies, chanting and mantra practices have positive benefits of reducing stress and anxiety and increasing inner peace. Based on his own studies, chanting in particular languages (such as Sanskrit or Arabic) is more beneficial than other languages (such as English). As he states:

“…when I tried to recite the same ideas in English, I didn’t feel anywhere near as good when chanting them. There was something that happened when speaking the tones in their original language. So I resumed chanting the original text. The positive feelings resumed.”

“This, therefore, is an invitation for you to seek out ancient mantras and learn about them for your own benefit.”

Takeaway: Each language has its own sound vibration. And the vibration of your language will affect you in a variety of ways—mentally, physically, emotionally, and so forth.

Click here for article.

Found on YouTube: “Simply for Sleep Sound Bath | Crystal Singing Bowls for Easy Listening at Bedtime”


Vibing 101

